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Archives: News in 2012
Koiwai Freminar at Marunouchi Building, Tokyo JAPAN
Takato Sasaki at Koiwai Freminar
Marunouchi Building, Tokyo (2012)
Photographer: Takato Sasaki
Takato Sasaki has put the work on display in the showcase
featuring collaborative project by the Ceramics Department at the Tokyo University of the Arts
and Koiwai Freminar restaurant at Maruniuchi Building, Chiyoda, Tokyo.
Koiwai Freminar (2012) Marunouchi Building, Tokyo, JAPAN
Photographer: Takato Sasaki
Koiwai Freminar
Presented by GRAND FARMING KOIWAI Co. Ltd.
5F Marunochi Buidling
2-4-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda,
Tokyo, JAPAN
Lunchi 11:00 - 16:00 ¡Êlast call 15:00¡Ë
Cafe 14:00 - 16:00 ¡Êlast call 15:30¡Ë
Dinner 17:30 - 23:00 ¡Êlast call 22:00¡Ë
¢¨Sundays and Holidays close 22:00 ¡Êlast call 21:00¡Ë
Koiwai Freminar Official Website (Japanese)
Tokyo University of the Arts, Study Trip
Shiwan and Liling, CHINA
Copyrightc 2012 Takato Sasaki All rights reserved.